Security Consulting

Quick Start Offer for RelayFM Listeners

Complimentary Quick Start Roadmap


Get a free quick start roadmap for your cyber-security program!


Sometimes, cyber-security can feel like a neverending source of anxiety, and with so much information, so many attacks as well as some unnecessary hype, it's hard to know exactly how to get started.

Caffeine Security has teamed up with Relay FM to offer listeners working for a small or medium organization (under 501 employees) a free cyber-security program quick start roadmap.

This complimentary offer consists of:

1. A consultant reviewing the information provided in the form below.

2. Reaching out to plan a follow-up meeting, and to ensure we invite the right people on your end.

3. Producing a suggested roadmap of the next activities or improvement themes we recommend for the next 12 months, based on the information we acquired during the meeting.

As consulting only scales linearly, only the first five listeners of each sponsored show will be able to benefit from this offer.

Please complete the form below